A healthy diet and exercise offer a great start on your journey to total health…

How body image has changed: truSculpt gives results
Recently, at Total Nutrition and Therapeutics, we’ve been focused on our latest fitness wonder product: truSculpt iD. With all the time we have at home these days during quarantine, many of us have been concerned about staying in shape–and, to that effect, we’re finding ways to stay in shape without leaving the house.
The outsized time we’ve been spending at home weighs heavily on our psyche as well. We begin to see things differently, including our own bodies. How we saw ourselves while we were out and about may be in contrast with how we see ourselves as stuck indoors.
And in a larger sense, body image has changed over the years, as health and fitness have come to the forefront of culture and society. This has happened as we’ve gotten both busier and more exposed to others via social media. Today, we’d like to discuss how body image has changed, and how truSculpt iD can help you change your body.
Body image over the years: how it’s changed for both men and women
Many, many years ago, the ideal female form was that of a pear shape. Heavier women were viewed as healthier, better fed, and more likely to produce strong offspring. While this is better known, it’s also true for men of the Paleolithic era, who were also viewed as better-fed and well-off.
These ideal forms have slimmed down with time. By the time of the Greeks, curvaceous women were all the rage, while the ideal man resembled what you might see on a magazine cover today. This slimming trend continued, with a few more fluctuations for men, but overall, with skinniness becoming more and more in vogue over time.
What’s the ideal body today?
However, there is a great deal of room for nuance. In 2020, people are becoming more aware of what’s healthy versus what’s ideal, and finding the right balance. Still, though, as a society, we’re generally trying to slim down rather than bulk up in order to meet our fitness goals.
Moreover, it’s become very important that we make sure our body image is in alignment with what we see in the mirror. In addition to acceptance, which is much discussed, we should also feel that we want to change the way we look in accordance with what we more objectively see in the mirror.
The fact is, today’s ideal body image is also in line with a generally healthy body–and truSculpt iD can help you achieve your fitness goals.
How truSculpt iD can help you achieve your body image goals
Imagine months and months of rigorous training condensed into just fifteen minutes–and no, we don’t mean an uber workout that will leave you for dead, but a non-invasive, laser-focused technology that literally burns the fat off your body.
Realistically, most of us can’t work 8-10 hours a day, take care of the kids, and get rid of that dad-bod, all at once. It’s just not realistic in a time when our careers and obligations are more demanding than ever. Diet pills aren’t doing the trick, hitting you with too many side effects and risks.
The good news is that truSculpt iD is here to save you time and energy. With just one session, the fat will start falling off your body.
How truSculpt id works
truSculpt iD requires only fifteen minutes of your day. truSculpt uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to selectively target and therapeutically heat fat – until lipid cells are eliminated and pass through the body naturally. Up to 24% fat reduction can be expected from just one treatment!
Best yet, each treatment takes only 15-30 minutes to attack the fat cells in the abdomen and flanks, and maximum results are visible merely after 12 weeks after treatment. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire, but any additional treatments will be just as brief and easy. By leaning out your core areas, you boost your metabolism and self-perpetuate weight-loss.
Boost your confidence in the gym with just one truSculpt session!
With just one truSculpt iD treatment, the fat will start burning off your body, leaving your mirror full of an image you can be proud of. No more standing around at the margins of the gym, terrified of being seen among the muscled guys and trimmed girls.
After one session, you’ll feel that boost of energy and confidence you needed to get out there and get going! Sign up today and make the appointment that will finally connect yourself to your ideal body image.
Where can I sign up for truSculpt iD?
As we mentioned in our last blog, the first step to signing up as a truSculpt candidate is to fill out our online form. You can find it at the bottom of the truSculpt page on the Total Nutrition & Therapeutics website.
Next, schedule a free consultation, during which we will go over any questions and concerns you might have about the procedure. After that, you will receive your treatment – and that’s it! Typically, only one treatment is needed for you to see the results you’ve been looking for.
Any questions you may have can be found on the truSculpt page, where at the bottom, we have a list of FAQs. Additionally, you will be able to ask all the questions you want during your free consultation.
H4: Contact Total Nutrition and Therapeutics for more information about truSculpt iD and how it can get you the body you want today.
Are you tired of ineffective treatments for weight gain? truSculpt iD at Total Nutrition and Therapeutics is designed to eliminate pesky body fat with just one 15-30 minute treatment. Visit our website to find out more about how truSculpt can bring you the body of your dreams, and sign up today!