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I like how comprehensive it is: labs to determine deficiencies, a clear map of what foods to eat and when individualized by food allergies, classes to educated us on many topics from why to eat certain foods, the importance of blood sugar control, understanding the thorough labs, cooking, juicing, and more! The monthly VIP and Wellness Ambassador sessions provide support from Lori and peers with new food ideas and recipes. It’s a wonderful resource to have!

I believe in what TNT teaches us about how to achieve better health. I wish I had learned all about this many years ago. Our health would be better for it. This was a unique and in depth experience for me. I entered the program not knowing what to expect and it was a learning and growing experience.

TNT has available the most helpful educated staff to help you get to your optimum health. They all really
care about each one as an individual person. Thank you so much!!

Where to begin? The initial meeting was very surprising because it was a total and complete difference from what I expected. I had become very unhappy with visits to my medical general practice physicians. My issues were not given importance and no results were forthcoming after several months. I knew there had to be a better way. An initial appointment at TNT was a major turnaround. Test were run and, well, to make a long story short ( It has been — years now) I received many answers to many questions, began supplementing my diet, attending coaching classes offering so much information on the road to learning what, why and how to proceed. How to shop, the GOOD, BETTER, BEST of it all. The proper choices to achieve a more healthy lifestyle and in turn, how to feel and look your best! This is my (long story short) version of my experience. TNT is a place where you will find a dedicated group of people who are dedicated to assist you with all you need to know and how to achieve your goals. This is the result of a Lady at the core of TNT who is passionate about what she does and who is always learning, teaching and offering her all. It would take so much my life has improved dramatically since my experience began at TNT. I could say so much more …. Don’t take my word for it. Check into TNT for yourself, I’m sure you will not be disappointed!

TNT provides incredible educational experiences to help us better understand our health and opportunities to create better health outcomes for us personally.

I have so appreciated and feel confident with the professional and knowledgeable guidance provided by the coaches at TNT. The office environment has a calm feel and staff are most friendly and cordial.

I was getting towards the end of my senior year of high school, and I was developing very high anxiety and had an extreme panic attack. I could not explain why it happened, and I was afraid it would happen again. I came to TNT for help. They helped me discover what was causing this anxiety. They taught me what to eat and how to stay consistent in my nutrition. My high anxiety is completely gone, and now I am in college and doing great.”

I decided to join TNT’s 6-month Phase 1 program, and within a short amount of time, I started noticing my weight going down and all my joint aches, particularly in my back, were gone. I also did the food allergy testing because I wanted to see exactly what my body was allergic to. I was surprised when results showed that I was allergic to foods such as tapioca, gluten, corn, and dairy. The TNT team taught me how to remove these from my diet, and once I did that I started seeing even more of a difference in my health. Those foods were actually slowly damaging my gut without me being aware of it since my body was trying to compensate for that.”

My arms and legs were completely covered in huge red outbreaks that were incredibly itchy. Nothing was helping. I went to Mayo Clinic, and the doctors there could not find anything wrong. I decided to go to TNT. Lori Esarey listened to me. She believed me when I said I couldn’t go on like this. She ran the tests needed to get to the root cause of why I was breaking out. She found that most of the food I was eating I was actually allergic to. This was what was causing my body to react. If I had not found TNT, I believe I would not have the abundant, thriving life that I have now.

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