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I never knew how toxins attach themselves to fat cells. And the importance to separate them. Plus how to separate them.

I had no idea if I was mineral deficient or not. I decided to take this class and was amazed at how I was deficient in some but not in others.

Breaking down the different labs and explaining the importance of testing made it easier to understand. Lori spent time going over not only why we test the blood but what the results mean.

I think this is an excellent class. I learned so much in regards to what type of supplements I need to take and why I need to take them. Katie made it much easier to understand.

Katie took the time to break down my labs to help me better understand what they meant. She then shared with me what supplements would help me based on my labs. Very informative.

Angela clarified what low glycemic foods are and the need to pair with a protein. Good discussion afterwards as well.

I so enjoyed this month’s VIP class. Thank you for sharing your journey with us Lori. The information you shared on Breast Cancer was very beneficial to me.

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